A long while ago I started following a group on Goodreads.com called Lovers of Paranormal. Then, back in November I signed up for the R2R program, in which an author gives away a number of books to readers who also want to take part in the program. The catch being that they have two weeks to review the book afterward. R2R, read/two weeks/review. A great concept. I want to hug miss Carrie something fierce for having thought it up!
Any-who, I signed up to give away 20 free copies of Fatal Retribution (kindle format only). Fatal's R2R started at the end on January and so far I've gotten some AMAZING feedback. :-) 12 people have signed up and 9 have already read and reviewed my book! ...I'm not terribly skilled at marketing, so since 2011, when I first published Fatal Retribution, the reviews have trickled in, one here and there. In fact, in 3 years I only had 11 reviews! Now I have 20! I'm definitely signing up Mortal Sentry and Grave Omen for this. They are in SERIOUS need of attention. (FYI, if you're interested in reading any of my books for FREE in exchange for a review on Amazon, totally hit me up)
Paula's review
Feb 20, 14
bookshelves: r2r
Read in February, 2014
R2R (LoP) Fatal Retribution
I received a free copy, through LoP, in exchange for a review.
Welcome to a world where there are humans and non humans, all living together, just trying to get along. Well, some more so than others. Raina, a witch, elf human is just trying to keep her life going and deal with her other than perfect family, some not human, some human. One of her brothers suggest that all of the siblings get together for a nice camping trip. No harm in spending time with your loved ones, even if they don't love you back. This trip turns out to be a life changing experience; one dies, then come back, one changes and then of course Raina becomes something that cannot be, the living dead. Now, she is on a mission, to figure out how and why this happened and how best to prevent this “virus” from spreading.
“You see, “Ruy began. “There are creatures out there that are immune to the virus but they aren't humans, elves or witches, and that's all you claim to be.” That last part sounded too accusatory for my taste, too much like he thought I was lying. But, to what end?
“That's because that's all I am. I'm a mutt, like most people these days.”
“That can't be all that you are, or you would be a vampire right now,” said Nenet. “Vampirism does nothing to a creature that is immune to it. However, a combination of a creature that is immune and one that is not has unpredictable outcomes when infected. Some die on the spot, others turn, and some become as you are.”
This story was easy enough to become so absorbed in. Great read, good characters and not over the top. Loved it so much, that I got the second book. I'm really looking forward to this series!
J.'s review
Feb 19, 14
bookshelves: r2r
Read from February 17 to 19, 2014
This story was a good fun read. Plenty of action, scenes are descriptive and the characters are likeable. The book could definitely use some editing. I find things like patience for patient annoying, just try to overlook them. The main character Raina is 21, a college graduate in psychology with dysfunctional family relationships. Her parents only seem to care for their first born Tristan. Seems like a psych major would have it together a little better but I have the feeling more development will come in the next books. The book reads well as a standalone and has a conclusive ending but there is the also the promise of more to come. I’ll be reading the next installment. I was given this book in exchange for an honest review for LoP.
I was given this book in return for an honest review (lovers of paranormal LOP). I absoluetly love this book, Raina's character I loved. Diana Graves makes it very easy to fall in love with the characters from this story. There wasn't a dull moment in the storyline at all and the suspense kept me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to read the next book in this series. Well done!
**I received this book in exchange for an honest review. Lovers of Paranormal, LoP **
This book was a great read. I loved the story. One great aspect of this book was that the story did not follow mainstream paranormal qualities. The way the story was told was well thought out and brilliantly crafted. The characters are all unusual and perfect for this story. The way the story flowed was great. I look forward to reading more of Raina's life. A must add to your tbr list.
Kathryn's review
Feb 14, 14
Read on February 14, 2014
I received this book from the Author and Lovers of Paranormal (LOP) at Goodreads.com for an honest review.
Hook, line and sinker I am caught in the world of Raina Kirland. What an explosive story!!! The author has definitely come to the party with a well executed story with so much intrigue, lust, blood, guts, gore and so much excitement. I immediately felt for Raina, an outcast in an outcast world, where she can’t belong even where the belonging don’t belong. You are thrown into the world of pain and upheaval from the onset, with the “death” of her brothers. Raina’s world is turned upside down even more with her own problem, yet out of the chaos finds a love match with Mato that I only hope will transpire. Raina seems to finally find her own destiny and calling, but will it be at the sake of her brother Tristan. Having already lost the love of her mom who I was appalled by (dad unknown), it’s hard to understand how she has still remained with such an undeniably beautiful heart. The author managed to capture a whole new world for me, one I wish wouldn’t end.
Jeni's review
Feb 21, 14
Read from February 17 to 21, 2014
First and foremost let me begin by stating that I received a free copy of the book from the author in exchange for my honest review (LOP R2R). Thank you
Let me start by being direct, I incorrectly selected this book from the list of LOP R2R books to be reviewed; I actually meant to select the book below it. I am so glad for my mistake; this book was amazing I finished it in 2 days. I couldn’t put it down. I wanted; I needed to know what was going to happen to Mateo and Raina. I wanted to find out every little detail about what made Raina special and discover who (or better yet what) her ancestors were.
The opening chapter was a bit confusing (since I had no clue what the book was about) and completely enthralling. I wanted to know what kind of creature was could take and defeat a group of witches and warlocks. It was both exciting and fast-moving. I really expected Nicholas to be the bad warlock that Raina would safe from a doom future, wow was I wrong (well sort of). It’s a great book that will keep your attention from chapter 1 to chapter 40.
************************warning: Spoiler Alert ********************
One of the few things I didn’t care about the book was that the story didn’t explain why Mark was so intent about finding a cure for Vampirism. It stated that Admetus had him purse a cure to save his life, but really all he had to due was kill Alcestis. He had her detain and would kill her at sunrise and he would have been free. Like I said, a minor thing in such a great book.
The rest of the book was amazing. It just left me with a few questions which I hope the next books answer. I want to know if Damon is Raina’s father and that’s why he is so protective of her? Why is Raina’s mom so nasty? How can a mother throw out her kid; only because Nicholas was a warlock and Raina is curious? Is like she can only love her kids if they are perfect, and act exactly how she wants them to, just like Tristan.
All and all a great book…
Thank you for allowing me to review it.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review by the Author and the "Lovers of Paranormal" Group on Goodreads. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
Fatal Retribution is a very intriguing story that pulls you in from the very beginning. I was captivated by the creativity of the storyline and all the twists and turns it took – it keeps you guessing all the way to the end!
Raina Kirkland is a mutt –a mix of witch, elf, and human– though she doesn't display good attributions for any. Her two older brothers are skilled witches and graceful elves. Her step-brother and step-sister are purely human. All the siblings go on a camping trip that turns out to be a nightmare, scarring and changing their lives forever.
“Being a witch was one step up from being a vampire and a step down from being a thieving gnome.”
“Is there a law somewhere that says all vampires have to walk like super models?”
“I can’t, I’m a virgin. Virgins don’t die.” “In my time, virgins were always the most likely to die.”
The Author did a wonderful job creating a world where all imaginable creatures live along side of humans. I immensely enjoyed this book from start to finish! It was fresh and flowed nicely. I am looking forward to the second installment!
Hope's review
Feb 18, 14
Read in February, 2014
**I received this book in exchange for an honest review. Lovers of Paranormal, LoP **
I love how the female hero grew in this book. She started out a little unsure of herself and blossomed. I like the variety "species", it didn't leave anyone out. This book was different from mainstream, which is why I liked it so much. The characters felt real to me. The story flowed well.
Oscar's review
Feb 28, 14
Read from February 26 to 27, 2014
Urban fantasy is a hard thing to write. A lot of times, mixing fantasy themes and incorporating them successfully into modern day life can be challenging. I am extremely happy to report author Diana Graves (awesome name, by the way) completely nailed it.
Without giving too many spoilers, Raina is a half elf/witch who struggles with magic. She can do it; however, not very well. As tragedy strikes her family, Raina has to deal with that chaos as well as other problems that arise.
…As I think about this, It’s really hard not to give too much away. Just pick it up, it’s good stuff.
As a side note, as a writer myself, I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed Diana’s narrative voice. I honestly wish I would write as well as she can. Her words danced off the page in such a graceful way, it made reading this story such a pleasure. By saying ‘she’s a wonderful writer’ is an understatement. I am thankful for the wonderful opportunity to review her work.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review (LoP or Lovers of Paranormal)