Monday, November 3, 2014


Sorry I haven't posted in a couple weeks. A lot was going on!

  • I had some internet issues
  • I had some stomach issues
  • My best friend got married 
  • I threw a Halloween party
  • And I was busy formatting Deadly Encounters as a paperback...only to find out that the current covers didn't translate well from digital to hard copy, so I had to design new covers.



I like the new covers. The words you see are actual words and sentences from the books , so it gives you a real idea of what's inside.

Yup, I was definitely busy the past two weeks, and I'm still busy. I'm still researching and building the 5th and final Paranormal Washington book, I have a few more recipes for Twisted Recipes that I've done but haven't actually written yet. LOL.  I'm reading a couple books right now, one of them for a blog tour, and Mortal Sentry is on two promotions at once. One of them is Lovers of Paranormal's R2R and the other is a reduced price from $2.99 to $0.99 for the entire month of November!

And I'm supposed to find time to do the dishes? LOL

1 comment:

  1. The more I see these covers, the more I like them. Washing dishes is a non-creative activity. Let them pile up and keep creating, I say.
