Sunday, June 5, 2016


I don't know how often I've heard the words, 'I want to write a book.' So many times. Everyone seems to want to write a book, and usually about themselves...I guess that's why those silly Facebook quizzes are so popular. Which Ninja Turtle are you? I don't know...  Guess we're all a bit narcissistic, or maybe just self curious. Most of the people I knew in College were getting their degrees in Psychology because they had a tragic sort of past, and wanted to understand themselves better. But, I'm getting a bit off topic. I wanted to talk about why so many people want to write a book, but don't. Why will you never write that book?

Right off the top of my head I can think of four reasons. The four horsemen that will end your book before it starts!

1. Where do you start? How exactly do you write a book? How do you tell a story that flows well, with an attention grabbing beginning, a captivating middle and a satisfying ending? 

Really, the answer is simple. Dive in. Just start typing. Once everything its out, you can fix it, but there's nothing to fix if you haven't typed it out...  Even if it doesn't quite make sense...that's were editing comes in.

2. Time! Who has the time for writing? 

Answer, no one. Not even published writers; between life and social media and obligations. But, a page here and there add up over a couple of years. You carve out minutes or hours. Whatever you can. No pressure, just persistence.

3. Lack of faith in yourself.  The road to a finished masterpiece seems so riddled with obstacles, that it kills your faith in the project altogether. You can see so clearly what you want, the characters, the events, the goal...but then you think of the time and the structure and the everything and then Blah, you no write. 

The only way around this is a little magical that, I'm referring to the human brains fantastic ability to lie to itself and see only what it wants to see, at least for a little while. It took me a whole decade to finished the Raina Kirkland Novels. Most of the time I doubted myself and felt I couldn't finish the series. Heck, I went months without writing a single word. Years even!  But, when I sat down at the computer to put fingers to keys, I lied to myself. I told myself to just type away and see what happens. Every time  I was absolutely stunned that it worked. Magical thinking, tell yourself that it's simple, that it's easy, that there is no rush, no deadline, nothing standing in your way!

4. Fear of Judgment. What if people hate it? What if you just embarrass yourself?

There is no way around. If you put anything in the public's eye, the public will tell you what they think of it...if they care enough to, that is. You have to be okay with that, or at least lie to yourself that you are okay with that. There is a saying. Dance like no one is watching. The rule is the same for writing. Write like no one will ever read it. Write for yourself.

In the end, books get written because writers ignores their fears, lie to themselves about how hard it is, just dives right in there and write whenever they can.

BOOK 5.TOXIC WARRIOR ... Available Fall 2016

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