Thursday, April 28, 2016


I have just 3 chapters to go in Toxic. This book has been a true crawl to the finish line. It's my fault, I know it is. On top of a new baby, remodling our home, work, and a plethora of other projects I give myself, I seem to fully enjoy writing myself into corners.

I know what I want to write before I sit down to do so....but in the heat of creation, sometimes things just go a little...lets say wild. Maybe that's why most readers agree that my books are unpredictable. Heck, I can't even predict them sometimes.

Every time I do something weird, because of in the moment creativity, I have to recalibrate the whole damn book to keep flow and plot in line.Deadly Encounters had three seperate endings planned, and then ended in a way I did not see coming!

Fatal Retribution was supposed to end after Mark's party.
Mortal Senrty was supposed to end after Raina escapes the fairies.
Grave Omen was supposed to end in a car chase and Damon's death...
Deadly Encounters was supposed to end in a snowy field, with Raina surrounded by zombies and holding onto a child necromancer....

None of these endings happened. None of them, or at least, with the first two, the books just kept going, because, you know, in the moment creativity. LOL

I "know" how Toxic is supposed to end...but I just wrote myself into a very interesting corning. Not for any good reason. The artist in me just likes to torture the writer in me sometimes. So....we'll see, and I'll tell you if that was what I'd planned.  My ADHD is so killing my  And don't get me started on my Bipolar Disorder and what seems to be an unwavering optimism...

Sunday, April 17, 2016


My mother has encouraged me to draw again. Incidentally, I found a website that will let me upload my work and sell it, not just as pictures, but as phone cases, pillows, blankets, coffee cups and more. The Website is called
I really like the whole idea, I just wish the items weren't so expensive and had more public visibility, like or something.

Oh, and by the way, I'm only 4 and a half chapters away from finally being done with Toxic! Yay!