Monday, May 21, 2018

Fuck That Guy

My daughter has an awesome sense of fashion all her own.

But for weeks now she's been complaining about a boy at school who makes fun of what she wears to the point that she's not wearing her favorite clothes anymore. She makes a mental note of everything this little boy says to her and adjusts accordingly. 

These past weeks I told her to ignore him. That his opinion doesn't matter. That she should be herself. That she'll never make everyone happy, no matter how much she changes for them...none of that sunk in. 

This morning I had enough! I told her flat out, this boy is garbage. His brain is full of shit and piss and that's all that comes out when he talks, shit and a slashing bucket of feces. Don't let his ignorant shit talk mess with your style. You're fucking beautiful.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


The new chapter 3 of book 2. (a work in progress)
If you haven't read chapter 1 PRESS HERE

The Zombie Book Series
By Diana Graves

Copyright © 2018 Diana Graves
All rights reserved.
Kindle Edition


TRITON was less of a town and more just a series of homes along the road that traveled adjacent to the Puget Sound, but the boys were right. It didn’t take me long to find a boat. In fact, I found a few. Covered by a moldy blue tarp was a small speed boat sitting beside an abandoned a-frame cabin. Even though the engine was solar powered, it didn’t look like it would run so I wasn’t surprised when it didn’t. The other two boats I found were overturned and encompassed by thorny vines near the water.
Gerald pulled out his knife and began cutting away at the vines that covered the larger of the two boats. I set my two bags down and looked out over the water at Frenchman’s Cove. Triton is parallel to Seattle but there’s a large arrowhead shaped landmass between the two, the Kitsap Peninsula, also known as the Great Peninsula.  The path Derek drew out for me on the map had me traveling around the peninsula, far north and then coming back down. It seemed like a waste of time, but I understood his reasoning. Less traveling by land means less zombie encounters. Safety. Talking about zombie safety, there was a sound that caught me attention just then, a wrestling of leaves, a breaking of twigs, maybe thirty or forty yards away...
“I told you. You need me,” Gerald said as he hacked at the vines, pulling them away with a gloved hand.
“Yes, I could never have cut those vines all by my lonesome. Whatever would I have done without you?” I said with a deadpan face and quiet voice as my eyes scanned the woods that surrounded us.
“Ha-ha,” he mocked. “You say that but who’s doing the cutting and who’s staring off into la-la land?”
“Shut up.”
He stopped cutting and looked at me happily confused. “Did I offend you? I thought you were supposed to be a badass.” He shook his head and ripped through the last of the thorny vines with a chuckle and a grunt.
“You need to shut up because I think I heard something.”
Gerald flipped the boat over with a quickly beefy motion. “Let’s try the motor,” he said.
“No,” I said firmly. “There’s movement in these woods. I think something is coming, some things.”
“Zombies? I don’t hear anything.”
“Good for you. I do, though.” I looked down at the boat he’d overturned. It was a small fishing boat with a large gas motor on it. It looked like it had some gas in the tank, but one of the blades was broken.
“Broken blade,” Gerald pointed out. “But it will probably still function, that is if the gas is still good after three years. Gas has a shelf life of only a few months. If it’s an ethanol blend, then maybe a year.”
“So it’s a bust. What about the other boat? It looks like a peddle boat.”
“It is, but I want to try the bigger boat first. It can fit both of us and our gear. Plus, our legs will get fucking tired of peddling quick.”
“Hey,” I said and I put my hand on his arm to stop him from pull-starting the engine on the bigger boat. “You’re not coming with me. I agreed to let you come with me this far, but only one of us is getting in a boat. Me, just me.”
“Erin, you have to admit that you need me. You can’t-”
“Stop,” I said and I tightened my grip on his arm, but he pulled the engine’s cord to spite me. Thankfully and predictably it didn’t start. The gas in the tank had gone to shit years ago. Even still, the engine made a loud go of it before failing. I stared at the woods, listening carefully. Nothing. Maybe it was animals I heard before? I let out a breath of relief. “Fuck! What’s your problem?”
“I don’t like that you’re just leaving, just like that, just fucking chasing some goddamn idea of saving humanity.” His usually jovial face turned mean too suddenly for me to keep up. “This is fucking stupid, Erin. You’re being fucking stupid! You’re not thinking right because you’re scared. You’re running away and it’s bull shit! And everyone knows it. You’re being a fucking coward. Let’s go back to the bunker, back to your son.”
I forced myself to look into his angry judgmental stare. It wasn’t easy because part of what he said was true. Being in that bunker, infected as I was, was hard. I felt like a trapped animal, feared and pitied. Maybe it was stupid to think there were still scientists alive in Seattle, and that my peculiar infection could help anyone or anything. It was very likely I was wasting my time, that this was a suicide mission I concocted because I had to tell myself that I could make this all mean something when it meant nothing. In fact, maybe he was one-hundred percent right about me and what I was doing. Maybe I was running away. As doubt filled my eyes, Gerald moved away from me. He grabbed up my bags and started walking back toward the bunker, thinking he’d won.
“Come on. Let’s go home.”
For a moment I thought I’d follow him but there was movement in the woods and I knew it wasn’t animals this time. It was zombies moving in on us.
“Stop!” I shouted at Gerald before he moved too far from me. He stopped and looked back at me with angry eyes. A zombie was coming at him and he didn’t even see it. It looked recently dead, hardly any rot on him. Maybe a day...It still had its lips and eyes intact. I pulled my machete out of my belt and ran at it.
“Hey!” Gerald yelled as I chased toward him, obviously thinking I was attacking him and not the rotting thing behind him. He dodged out of my path and I brought my machete down on the zombie’s head. I pulled it down to the ground and freed my machete from its skull with a foot on its head and a quick yank.
“Oh,” Gerald said.
“They’re everywhere,” I turned on the spot, looking at the woods around us. “Fifteen or more. It’s a horde!”
“I can smell them but I can’t see them. Where are they coming from?”
Mostly the south, but there are a few coming from the west and north.”
“They surrounded us? Are we dealing with intelligent zombies again?” Gerald panicked.
“No, I don’t think so. The zombies from the north smell like sea water, like they crawled out of the Sound. The zombies from the west look fresh, like the one that attacked you. Those from the south smell like they are long dead, just bloated rotting things. Three different groups are converging on us. Probably following the sound of that fucking engine you tried to start.”
Gerald gave me a dirty look before he pulled out his gun and knife, preparing for the zombies that were walking toward us slowly.
“We can outrun them and make it back to the bunker. They’ll follow us, but with Derek and Pane we can take them out easy,” Gerald said.
“You run back to the bunker, I’m heading to Seattle,” I said and I turned and ran back to the vine-covered peddle boat. Gerald had cut up the vines so completely that I pulled the boat out with relative ease.
“Erin!” Gerald shouted. I looked back to see him cut into the skull of one zombie and then another. A third western zombie rambled out of the forest, falling on the ground and not knowing how to get up. It struggled like a turtle on its back.  Gerald walked up to it and jumped on his head, breaking it like a rotten pumpkin after Halloween. The two zombies from the Puget Sound, soggy meat sacks, no hands, pale skin and half eaten, probably by fish, were crawling toward Gerald with seaweed and fish netting dragging behind them.
“Fuck!” I said as I moved toward them. I didn’t want to move closer, but I did. I got close enough to see the barnacles growing on the exposed bone. I cringed as I slashed downward into the face of the closer zombie with, slicing through fluid-filled skin, brittle bone and rancid brains, which erupted upward like black water from a whale’s blowhole.
The other sea zombie ignored me completely and moved toward Gerald, whose back was turned as he watched the southern horde moving in. I approached it from behind, stabbing it in its fat head, more careful of the blackened brainy eruption that followed.  Nasty.
I looked up when I saw Gerald moving in my peripheral vision.  He was backing away from the advancing dead. I looked back to find them close and moving closer, a truly gruesome sight. These poor souls had been rotting for at least a year. Their lips were all but gone, eaten away or shriveled to nothing, leaving their broken teeth bare to the world, like a permanent snarl. Their eyes were either bloated with pus or wrinkled into raisins.  Their stench choked me as they walked right past me to get to Gerald. They didn’t want me? They knew! Somehow they knew I wasn’t food anymore. I was one of them. I was a zombie!
“Erin!” I heard Gerald shout.
I looked back at him with wide eyes and I could feel the hot tears fall down my cheek before I realized I was crying. It shocked me, woke me up from my feelings, brought me back to what was happening around me.
Gerald was still backing away from the advancing dead, but he was looking at me; shocked and reluctant to leave even though I was safe and he was clearly outnumbered.
I could have killed them all without a fight, cut all their heads open, but that sounded like exhausting work so I ran instead. I ran back to the larger boat and pulled the red gas tank out of the hull and began dumping it on the zombies. Gerald must have figured out my plan because when I looked for him, I found him digging in my bags, hopefully looking for my easy-light matches Derek packed for me. He needed time though, so I ran ahead of them and started cutting into the horde to keep them off of Gerald.
“I got them!” he shouted.
“Give them to me!” I yelled without looking back. I put my free hand out, palm up, expecting him to put the matches in my hand. He did. “Go drag the peddle boat into the water,” I ordered while he seemed so obedient.  He ran toward the boats.
It took a few matches before the whole group was on fire, but I managed it and to my surprise, I didn’t get burned. Because the zombies were still after Gerald, even while on fire, I had them following me as I ran toward him and the water.
He was standing in the water, bent over the peddle boat and looking at me with an expression I couldn’t read. I stomped into the water fast and took my bag off his shoulder and he let me as he watched the burning zombies start to fall to the ground mere feet from us.
I looked back at them. “I guess the fire got to their brains. Hotheads.” I chuckled at my little joke, a joke that needed to be made because shit was getting too serious.
“You’re a zombie,” Gerald said.
I looked at him and then back down at the boat because for the first time he looked scared of me like the other. “I need to go and you’re not coming with me.”
“No, I’m not,” he said and he dropped the second bag he was still holding into the boat and walked back toward the land, where the zombies were still burning, but no longer moving, no longer undead. Gerald looked back at me once he was on dry land and a few feet away from the zombie bonfire. He waved goodbye. I didn’t. I climbed into the boat and began peddling away.

Monday, May 7, 2018


The new chapter 2 of book 2. (a work in progress)
If you haven't read chapter 1 PRESS HERE

Damn, my new job at a rehabilitation center for sexually violent peoples is far too distracting to keep a normal writing schedule. That's something I have to work on. It took me months to get around to actually writing this chapter, and it can't be like that. I promise myself, from now on I will write at least a chapter a week. I've done all the research. I've planned every chapter. Now all I need to do is sit down a write them. 

The Zombie Book Series
By Diana Graves

Copyright © 2017 Diana Graves
All rights reserved.
Kindle Edition

I felt jostled awake by another nightmare. That wasn’t uncommon for me. I’d been having nightmares ever since I watched my husband die right in front of me. He was a diabetic but we’d been hiding in our home for months while zombies rampaged outside our walls. His glucose was low and so were our rations. He guilted me into eating so I would keep producing milk for Christopher, while he practically starved himself.  I was breastfeeding Chris on our bed by candlelight when he walked into the room clumsily and fell to the floor and began seizing. I climbed off the bed, leaving our infant to cry out for me. I held him while he shook violently, but just as the seizure passed and he opened his eyes and looked directly at me, he blacked out and never woke up. In my nightmares, he either woke up and began screaming at me for letting him die or he turned into a zombie and tore Chris apart.
I hopped down from the gurney and turned the lights back on in Karen’s office. I opened Karen’s black zombie book and reread a note of her’s that had been bothering me.

Doctor Duskin, entry 30. Day 560 since U.W. incident.
None of these local zombies are anything like the patients we saw in Russia. The earlier infected were violent but they never tried to actually eat anyone...bite yes, but not consume. And the pattern of rot is different also. The local zombies have general rot all over their bodies, while the earlier versions only rotted at sites of infected injuries, like patches of gangrene. This is a drastic evolution. Gangrene could possibly travel through the bloodstream, but what could cause obsessive-compulsive hunger for raw flesh?

“What indeed?” I said aloud to no one. Good to his world, no one had bothered me in days and I found myself regretting the request. I missed people...Just not enough to reach out to them. As much as I wanted someone else to talk to, I didn’t want to be forced behind the glass again, like some kind of fucking prisoner or animal.
I’d taken over Karen’s zombie book, adding my own notes from all that I’d seen during the first three years of the outbreak. Such as how they liked to travel in groups and seemed attracted to sound, even when their ears had rotten away...Then I turned to the internet. Yes, we had internet access. It was limited, but the whole world hadn’t gone to shit, just a few choice places...From the CDC’s own website, I took notes on what they’d shared about the zombie outbreak. They reported that the disease was evolving around the world in different ways. In some areas in the Middle East, the infected were growing extra limbs. The idea of a zombie with four arms was fucking disturbing! In South America, the infected were growing larger, like long and lanky giant zombies. Fuck! I guess I should consider us in the US lucky for now. But so far there was no mention of a thinking zombie. It seemed I was the only one. Now, if only there was a way to communicate with the CDC. Unfortunately, the US Government decided in their infinite wisdom that those inside the infected zone could see the internet, but not interact with it in any way whatsoever. No emails, messages, chats, posts, tweets, comments or video uploads of any kind were allowed. I had no way of letting the world know about me.
The door opened and Pane walked into the room saying, “Morning,” cheerfully. I got out of my seat immediately and moved to the metal door.
“You forgot to let me know you were coming in,” I said as I moved to shut the door between us, but Pane put his hand on the door.
“It wasn’t a mistake,” he said. “Blimey,” he breathed as he looked me up and down. “You look bloody awful.”
“I know.”
“You’re not hungry for me, are you?”
I scoffed, “You’re a cute little Brit, but I prefer taller men.”
Pane rolled his eyes. “I volunteered to come in unannounced to see if you were a flesh eater. Clearly, you’re not. Derek and Gerald and I agree that you should come out of here. It’s been far too long. If you were going to lose your mind you would have done it by now.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve always been a procrastinator.” Pane laughed. “How’s Chris?”
“He’s great.”
“You know, playful and learning how to be a normal kid again.”
A normal kid? “He was never a normal kid before. Normal kid’s don’t have zombie moms.”
Pane shrugged. “Such are the times we live in.” I eyed Pane thoughtfully. “What is it?”
“I do need to get out of here.”
“Fantastic. I’ll let the others know,” he said with a smile and a clap of his hands. “We’ve missed you.”
“No, I mean that I need to get out of here. Out of the bunker. I need to go to Seattle.”
He blinked his pretty eyes at me several times, trying to think of what I said and what he should say maybe. “Why? What’s in Seattle?”
“The University of Washington and maybe someone who could use my blood to help. There could also be more people like me, thinking infected.”
Pane held up his finger as if to make an argument, but instead, he turned around and walked out of the room altogether. While he was out I started packing. I didn’t have much to pack in here. A couple changes of clothes that Gerald had brought in to me while I slept last night. He was pretty good at keeping me in clean clothes. Today I was wearing ill-fitting blue jeans and a green t-shirt. I packed a toothbrush, four water bottles, and the zombie book into a black bag that had once held some spare lab equipment, which now on the floor.
Derek walked into the room. He looked down at the bag and then back at me. “Come into the common area,” was all he said before he walked away, leaving the door open.  
With my bag hiked over my shoulder I followed him down a wide hall, which appeared very much like I’d imagine a submarine looked like on the inside. There were metal tubes running along the walls and bare lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. Every door, including the one I just walked through, was a huge metal thing, like a bank’s safe door.
The common area of the bunker was a living room, dining room, garden and kitchen all in one open space. Chris and Sarah, Derek’s teenaged daughter were sitting together on the couch watching an old movie, Willy Wonka, and the Chocolate Factory. Chris didn’t notice me when I entered the room but Sarah did. She looked nothing like Derek. Her skin and eyes were a lighter shade of brown than his. Everything about her was delicate while everything about Derek was large and imposing. Her eyes widened at the sight of me. I smiled to try and ease her obvious fear but otherwise chose to ignore her and gave the living room my back as I approached the dining table where Derek sat beside Pane. They were looking down at a map that was unfolded on the table.  I glanced at Gerald, who was rummaging through the kitchen cupboards.
“Where are we?” I asked Pane and Derek.
Derek pointed to a red mark on the map inside the Olympic Rainforest. “We are here, just a few miles west of Triton. It’s a small town on the Puget Sound. Almost everyone who lives there has a boat. You’re bound to find at least one available.”
Looking down at the map, Seattle was almost parallel with Triton. “Smart. Taking a boat through the Sound will be faster than walking or driving around,” I said.
“Safer, too,” Gerald chimed in with his head in a cupboard.”
“But, I’ve never driven a boat before.”
Pane got up and opened a cupboard near the dining table. He grabbed a two-way radio out and set it on the table.
“You’ll take one of these with you. When you find a boat, radio us and we can look up the specs over the internet and talk you through it.”
“Awesome possum. How far can these radios reach?”
“The box they came in said up to thirty-six miles, but we’ve found it’s closer to twenty miles, less if there is any kind of obstruction; buildings or mountains,” said Pane.
Gerald set down two large bags. “Weapons and food.”
I looked at the bags with wide eyes. “There is no way I’m caring three large bags from here to Seattle.”
“You carry one and I’ll carry the other two,” Gerald said.
“I’m going alone.”
“You can’t-” Gerald started to say but I stood up abruptly and he stopped.
“I’m going alone,” I said again and my voice held demand and authority in a way that made me sound alien to even me.  To his credit, Gerald met my stern glare with his own, but he didn’t argue with me.
I set my own bag on the table beside the two he packed. I opened all three bags. His two bags were actual tactical gear and not simply storage for spare equipment so I emptied everything out of my bag and made some room in one of the other bags by taking out half the food Gerald had placed in it. Looking down at the weapons bag in thought, I decided against guns. Guns just attracted undead and people. Both were not desired. I grabbed a couple knives and tucked them in with my food and clothes. I zipped the bag and put the strap over my shoulder, crossing my body.
“Is that all you’re taking?” asked Derek.
I grabbed a machete from the weapon’s bag. “Yup.”
“You’ll need a rain poncho, belt, and good boots,” said Gerald.”
“That would be nice. And a spare sleeping bag if you’ve got it.”
“You got it,” said Gerald.
“Say goodbye to your son,” Derek suggested. I looked at Chris. He was engrossed in Willy’s Factory. If he hadn’t noticed me yet, I could easily slip away without scaring him with my ugly mug. “You’ll regret it if you don’t.”
Damn it. I knew he was right. I pulled my dark hair back and tied it into a knot on my head while I walked to the couch. I sat down beside them. Sarah looked at me with caution.
Christopher didn’t look up at me. He placed his head in my lap and smiled.
“You scary Mommy,” he said.  “You a zombie?”
“Yes,” I said with my lips curled into a sad smile. I was happy to hear his vocabulary expanding but sad that he spoke the truth.
“I love you.” Heartbreaking! I’d never heard him say those words before.
“I love you, too. I have to go, but I’ll be back.”
“Okay,” he said and he sat back up and looked at me. “I safe here.”
“Yes, you are.” I kissed the top of his head, taking in a deep breath and forcing myself to memorize his smell.

Chapter 3: PRESS HERE