My rating: 2 of 5 stars
It took me a while to read this book, only because I kept putting it down and picking it back up over the course of several months. Was it boredom? Probably, yeah.
All the talking and talking and talking was becoming redundant and almost insulting. I felt like the dialogue was there only to add pages, because there really wasn't much going on. There were two great action scenes and one sex scene and nothing else but talking. Things that were obvious to everyone, even the characters themselves were discussed in length between them. Information about the characters was given over and over again as well. As if between chapter one and chapter ten I might have forgotten something about Edward or whatever. Nope, you say it once, maybe twice and we got it. No need to repeat things, thanks though.
And, even all of that was fine, okay but the ending just fell flat. One moment things were building and getting exciting and then, nothing. A quick sum up and nothing more. It's like bringing me nearly to mid-climax and then leaving me wanting.
But, I am still a fan. Not every book can be gold and I will not stop reading LKH's books for one flop. Better luck next time (fingers crossed)
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I agree with your review. Hit List just didn't do it for me and came across something thrown together for a deadline with no real story to fill it. I'm still a LKH fan but I really hope her future books have a bit more meat on the bone.