Saturday, April 18, 2015

Diana's Seven Deadly Sins:

Something has bothered me for some time. The seven deadly sins. Ever since I was a little girl and I saw the movie, Seven, with Morgan Freeman, Brad Pit and Kevin Spacey, I keep thinking to myself, why are they deadly? 

1 Lust
2 Gluttony
3 Greed
4 Sloth
5 Wrath
6 Envy
7 Pride

In of themselves they are not fully harmful. 

1. Lust is one of the driving forces that encourage us to engage with each other romantically. None of us would be alive today without it!

2. Gluttony is every American Holiday, right? Food is one way we bond...And most of us have sat in front of the computer or television and pigged out on ice cream at least once.

3. Greed gives people drive to do better, to work harder for the things they want. Sometimes greed is good.

4. Feeling lazy from time to time is normal, healthy even. Give yourself a breather, dang...Slothing it on the couch is a mini-vacation!

5. I see nothing wrong with aggressively defending your home and loved ones. Sometimes Wrath is good, sometimes fighting back is necessary. Being mad about the right things is never wrong, and can drive people into action, like peaceful protests and whatnot.

6. Envy, like greed can be a driving force for bettering yourself. You shouldn't feel ashamed or apologize for noticing your neighbor's lawn is greener. Just walk over there and ask her what she's doing different to keep it so lush.

7. Pride is a big one for me. I'm a very prideful person, but I think I mean it different than you might think. When I talk about pride, I'm referring to my sense of self-worth in regards to my personal standards both in appearance and in ethical behavior. I'm talking about social graces and work ethics. Pride for me is a personal contract with myself. Doing things that break the contract hurts. 

It hurts my pride, but sometimes bending personal rules are necessary. Like when I was a teenager taking care of my three younger siblings. I had to break my pride contract, and beg for food for them. That hurt so awful that I'm still feeling the sting of it to this day. 

I get that in excess these behaviors can be bad. If you take these characteristics to a dark place, it can be damaging. 

Too much Lust can destroy your least, if your lusting after too many people and you're not in a open relationship...

Too much Gluttony can seriously hurt your health. One ice cream binge a year is fine, but weekly or even monthly binges can kill...

Too much  Greed can hurt you and others. If you're so greedy that you pursue your goals no matter the coasts, no matter who you have to step on, use and abuse, then yeah, you're a douche... 

Too much  Sloth and you might as well be habitually gluttonous, because sitting on you ass every day, all day is just as unhealthy as none-stop gorging... 

Too much  Wrath and you're an ass-hole. Seriously, anger issues are a sickness and I want nothing to do with people who look for conflict just to feed of a hostile environment. 

Too much  Envy can be harmful if it harms your self-esteem, or makes you act out in a dangerous or illegal way, such as theft or bullying. 

Too much  Pride isn't the best, if you're too prideful to do the right thing. If a father is too proud in his traditions to embrace his children's differences, he could destroy his family. If a mother is too prideful to go to the food bank, or apply for food stamps when she's in need, her children go hungry.

But, anything in excess is harmful. Too much water makes you sick, too much air is poison, too much cleanliness makes you vulnerable to diseases, too much acceptance can make you a push over. 

...If you asked me to list seven deadly sins it would be a much more comprehensive list.

Diana's Seven Deadly Sins:
1. Murder
2. Rape
3. Torture
4. Indifference to Suffering
5. Government & Corporate Corruption
6. Warmongering & War-profiteering
7. Taking away my HBO (Comcast learned that one the hard way)

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