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Book 1
By Diana Graves
Copyright © 2011 Diana Graves
All rights reserved.
Book cover & format by Diana Graves, www.dianagraves.org
Kindle Edition
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This book is a work of pure fiction. Characters, places and incidents are creations of the author’s imagination, and any similarity to people, living or dead, businesses, events or places is purely coincidental.
To my family and friends, thank you.
Fatal Retribution
Mortal Sentry
Grave Omen
Deadly Encounters
Toxic Warrior
The Artist: The Serial Series Book 1
The Librarian: The Serial Series Book 2
The Zombie Book: Zombie Book 1
Adult Coloring Book: Dark Whimsy
SETH’S JAW TIGHTENED when he saw Nicholas behind the glass wall. Mom glanced toward Nicholas, but quickly diverted her eyes. Ruy and Tristan were standing near the sitting area talking with Nenet. A female vampire was shaking Dan’s hand. She was my height but her thinness made her look taller. Her skin was a pale tan, and most of her jet-black hair was loosely braided while the rest seemed to flow in a breeze I didn’t feel. She wore a sheer white gown that hid nothing. It was held up by only two strings of wooden beads lying between her naked breasts and wrapped around her neck. Most men’s eyes found their way to her every few seconds, and I couldn’t blame them. She was one of the most exotic, beautiful and publicly nude women I’d ever seen…and I’m a witch.
Mato was helping set platters of food down on the glass table in the sitting area. Flat crispy bread in circular shapes and strips of some kind of dark pink meat lie on one platter, fruit and cream were on another plate. The final platter held a bowl of red dip and paper plates. Many people were already digging into the food before Mato, and those helping him even had a chance to set it down. Tristan was one of them, and so was Katie. I wondered if they had eaten anything today, or were they neglected too?
“What the fuck is this?” Jed yelled at Katie. He grabbed her plate out of her hands. Bits of strawberries fell to the floor and the cream on the plate slid onto Jed’s thin thumb. Katie said nothing and her mom didn’t move to defend her either.
“It’s food, genius!” I yelled from near the elevator, where I had been standing, silently observing the room and trying not to faint. I found new strength in anger. Jed turned his baby blues on me. It felt good to be angry, really good.
“Shut it witch!” he spat. He shoved the plate back into Katie’s hands and turned to the doctor, Tasha. “So what the hell are we supposed to do with a fucking vampire?” he asked her.
“Umm—,” Tasha stammered. She had been explaining the process of releasing custody of a vampire over to parents when Jed exploded, first turning to Katie out of the blue, and then redirecting his anger at the doctor. She backed away from him and started looking through her papers for something helpful maybe. Jed moved forward, advancing for every step Tasha took back.
“Jed, you ass!” I moved toward him, but Mom grabbed my shoulder to stop me. She looked over at Seth for help. He was standing next to the glass, staring at the boys.
“The food is for you. It’s called hospitality. And, you love Michael, that’s what you do with him.” Seth was calm and Mato looked up at him. In fact, everyone was looking at him. He rubbed his hand down the glass lovingly. The vampire that was shaking Dan’s hand began to stalk toward Seth, mouth opened in a wide hungry smile.
“And, just how am I supposed to take him, this—thing to church? He can’t even come in the building, let alone pick up a bible!” this from Rachael. Her face was red and I could tell it took a lot of effort for her to speak up in a room full of vampires—well at least more than seven as I could tell. The Native Vampires laughed abruptly. I didn’t get the joke.
The woman vampire in the sheer dress hung onto Seth’s arm. She smiled up at his narrow face and he wasn’t fazed in the least by her straightforward actions. I would have been shaken by her approach at the very least, but Seth wasn’t. In fact, I think he liked her attention.
“You have some nerve little lady!” Ruy pointed a firm finger at Rachael. “This boy has been through hell and all you can think of is yourself! You think he’s damned, don’t you? You see him as a spawn of Satan, like one of those damned fools out there spouting human supremacy!”
“Talken bout damn fools. You use to be one of us, Ruy, vampire hunter extraordinaire.” Jed stepped up to Ruy. He looked fatter and frailer and boy-like standing next to the muscular bulk of Ruy.
“Yeah, well I’ve learned that not all vampires are monsters, just like not all humans are saints. Michael is no monster, and he’s still your son, right now, as you’re standing here damning him!”
“He’s not Rachael’s son anymore. Michael’s dead! We just came for Kate,” Jed said, his angry stare moved from Ruy to Katie. She was kneeling on the floor picking up the fruit Jed spilled when he grabbed her plate. I felt something come from him, something that made my skin crawl. An unexpected emotion, but it was so out of place that I simply didn’t recognize or understand it. Then my thoughts were interrupted by a booming voice.
“Excuse me,” said a deep and masculine voice.
A man was standing just outside the elevator as the doors closed behind him. “Excuse me,” he said again once he got everyone’s attention. His head was shaven and his face was just as open and beautiful as Mato’s, but his eyes were dark and cold. Besides the soft leather pants, he wore nothing at all, traditional Native Vampire attire.
“You intend to harm this girl,” the vampire said to Jed. He gestured to Katie with a wave of his hand. He had long nails that curled slightly at the tips. His skin was tan but it also had a hint of blue in it. As he moved closer to us, his muscles moved under his skin like a beast on the prowl.
“What the fuck?” Jed asked belligerently, though his tone had noticeably lost some of its vigor.
“This is Melvern, co-master of Darkness,” Mato announced.
Melvern greeted everyone in the room with his eyes and a nod. A smile curled his lips when he saw Seth and the woman vampire, now intertwined on one of the chairs. She had her fingers in his black and gold hair and he had one of his hands cupping her firm breasts. She was whispering things into his ear as they watched the room. It felt as if we were their personal entertainment. All life is a stage, right?
Jed shuffled his feet and looked at Rachael for agreement.
“We should get going. It’s late. Come on Kate!” he shouted after himself as he and Rachael made their way toward the elevator.
“Stop!” Melvern called to them in his booming voice. He pointed at Katie. “This girl will not go home with you. Your mind tells me that you plan to beat the fair-haired child when you get to your home, and I know that you,” he pointed to Rachael, “will not intervene to save your own daughter from this brutal beating.” Melvern’s face was stern and condemning.
“You can read my thoughts? Well, that doesn’t matter. You have no authority. Now, we got to get home,” he moved his shoulders restlessly.
“Now you are thinking, ‘She will get it twice as rough?’ What is it, sir, what is—it?” Melvern asked, tilting his head. It was a rhetorical question, but someone had something to say about it.
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“He’s hurting my baby girl?” Dan yelled.
“So this was why you came camping with us? To get away from Jed because he hurts you?” I asked Katie in a quiet voice.
Dan moved in to attack Jed and I saw Melvern smile wide. I had to wonder if he did that to save Katie from another night of pain or for his own entertainment.
Katie interrupted Dan in mid-punch. “Dad!” she yelled while she grabbed him around the waist. He couldn’t get at Jed well enough with her there. He let his shoulders fall heavily and looked at her for an explanation.
“Dad, I’ll just come home with you. Let’s not fight about this. Michael’s more important right now.” Dan frowned at her but nodded slowly.
Jed and Rachael ran for the elevator with all our glaring faces following them. “You are going to be sorry about this little missy!” Jed yelled out before the doors shut.
“Good show,” the vampire on Seth’s lap laughed. Melvern bowed and she alone clapped. I shook my head, mumbling my discontent under my breath. I shouldn’t have because doing so gained me the attention of the vampire on Seth’s lap.
“Hello, young one. Raina, is it? I am Olathia, the other master of Darkness,” the vampire said. She had unbuttoned Seth’s shirt and was playing with his juvenile chest hairs.
“Nice to meet you,” I said purely as a nicety and not genuine feeling. She was beautiful but she was a weirdo.
Katie looked as weak as I felt. She sat down in one of the chairs and brought her knees to her chest. She looked so much younger, so fragile and so much a victim.
“I’m sorry, Katie,” I said.
She didn’t look up at me, or anybody. I could read her emotions loud and clear: a strong mixture of relief, embarrassment, and fear.
“It’s better this way,” Katie said to the floor.
“It is,” I agreed quietly.
“I knew that look. He was going to use the iron again. He always gets that crazy look on his face when he’s going to use the iron.” And just like that, without meaning to, I had an image in my head of Katie crying, trying to get away from Jed as he chased her with a heated iron. I could see him forcing it down on her skin. Smoke rising up as it burned her, straight through her clothes. I’d never seen a mark on Katie, which meant the places he was hurting her where places that shorts and a tank top covered. I’d never gotten images with emotions before, and that one left me breathless with her terror. I had to hide my face in my hands and catch my breath.
“Iron?” Tristan asked. He had left Nenet’s side and only just came in on the tail end of her sentence.
Her big brown eyes watered up and she looked up at me. Her face was red and splotchy. “He likes to burn me sometimes. My mom will never let me go home again. She and Jed are getting married in November.” She shoved her face into her arms and before I could comfort her Dan was there, hugging her tightly. Somehow, I could never picture him holding me like that. I hated him for making me wish that I was just as human as his precious Katie and Michael. Well, maybe not Michael, not anymore.
Now that I knew Melvern could read thoughts, I found myself looking back to him again and again. I could never tell the emotions of vampires, so I tried to read his expression to gauge whether or not he heard a thought, and approved or disapproved of it.
“Raina?” he said, inching toward me through the crowd around the table. Even with all the sadness and whatnot, I wanted to stuff myself silly, but I didn’t. I restrained myself, and only took a single plate of food to quiet my hunger for the moment.
Tasha and Mato were talking to Mom, Dan and Seth. Olathia was still clinging to my uncle. I wondered if Olathia was using her master vampire wiles on him. If so, I was sure Seth could handle himself. He was fairly powerful as far as vampires go, as I understood it.
Melvern glided more than walked my way. He took me by the elbow and guided me away from everyone else. His hand was like ice.
“You’re freezing,” I said.
“Yes, I have not fed yet, it adds to the blue quality of my skin, as you noticed when you first saw me. Blood does not only satisfy our palate. We need it to regulate our temperature and to bring oxygen to our body—among other things,” his voice trailed off like a snake’s hiss but he talked to me still. “I can see why Mato finds you so lovely,” he said in my head. It was so strange hearing someone else’s thoughts in there. I could feel a panic building in me.
“Um—” I stammered. My eyes were darting from wall to wall. I closed my eyes tight, “Stop! Get out of my head!” I shouted in my head.
“Sorry,” he said aloud. “I know it scares some to hear me inside them.” The last part sounded too sensual, too much like an offer of sex. Then a bizarre thought came into my mind. Melvern and I, in a huge California king bed, with wooden pillars and blue satin sheets. We were in a large dark windowless room, lit by a single torch on the wall. His naked body was lying beside me. He was both cold and soft to the touch. He leaned over me and began pressing himself against me, and I didn’t question it, or stop it. I smiled up at him as he ran his hands through my hair and then down my neck, my breasts, my stomach, my hips and lower parts. I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him gently on his lips, but he didn’t want a gentle kiss. He pressed his lips against mine hard and harder, until I had no choice but to open up to him, let his tongue explore my mouth. He mapped my body with his cold hands, pulling me closer to him. Cool sheets and hard muscles were gliding all over my naked body. His hips dug into mine, forcing my legs wider. He kissed and licked his way down my neck until he reached my breasts and then he fed. I looked down into his dark eyes and felt no pain as he fed from my body. Once he had his fill, his body became warm in my arms and he slowly forced the length of him inside me. I was beyond wet but I was still tight, and a scream of pleasure ripped its way from deep in my body as he reached the end of me and struggled to go deeper still. He pulled almost all the way out of me and then slammed himself deep inside me, so deep. He sat up, pulling me into his lap, so that we sat on his bed and we found a rhythm then, fast and faster, until...
“Goddess,” I breathed. I could feel his hands on my hips, guiding himself inside of me, thrusting inside of me, fast and deep.
“That is how it could be,” Melvern said, his voice slid over my skin like melting ice. I shivered. My knees were weak and my head was a little lighter. I swallowed past the lump in my throat.
“Did you put that thought in my head?” I whispered because that was all I could do.
“Would you like it to be more than a thought?”
“Um, I’m sorry but I—I can’t. I don’t mean any disrespect.” I was blinking too much and too fast in my sudden anxiety. How do you turn down a vampire, a master vampire? Shit.
He nodded, laughing. I was so confused.
“What do you think of Mato?” he asked right out of left field. It was such a drastic change of subject that I had to take a moment to catch up, but before I could say anything he continued. “You don’t have to say anything. I knew what you thought of him the moment I asked the question. You are an open book to me. He likes you a great deal more than you like him.”
“We just met not even an hour ago,” I said, and now I was really confused.
“Every vampire has a talent, though some are a jack of all trades. Mato has a great ability to read people. He knows a person’s quality within seconds of meeting them. He knows you better than you know yourself and he likes what he sees.”
“What does that mean? He can see the future?”
“No,” Melvern began. “He doesn’t know what makes you special, he simply knows you are. Though, right now he’s worried that I might be stealing you away from him before he even gets a chance to woo you.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
He shrugged, “We’ve long been friends; nearly three hundred years now.”
“Oh, I get it. You’re buddies, and you wanted to check out the girl before your friend gets his heart broken.”
“Yes, in a way. If you jumped at a chance to sleep with me like most women would after such a vision, I would have intervened—but I think Mato may have you pegged.”
“As what?”
“Honorable, dependable, caring, trustworthy, and brave—those are the words running around in his mind when he thinks of you. The words in your mind have more to do with lust, so far.”
“What strange sort of cruel friend are you?”
“The best sort, the sort that would seduce any woman to save him pain.”
“And does he thank you for this service?”
“Never,” he said with a laugh. He left our conversation at that and I felt strangely exposed, confused and somewhere deep down flattered.
CHAPTER 10 will be posted soon, or you can buy the book for $3.99 PRESS HERE
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