One of my biggest regrets...well, I have a bit...But in writing, I regret skipping ahead in time in the Raina Kirkland Series. I wish I hadn't done that. Some of it couldn't be avoided since the story was told by Raina, so if she wasn't there she couldn't tell Nick's time spent with a secret Canadian tribe of vampires, or Katie coming into her own and getting married. But, there was a butt load of time in Raina's life that I for whatever reason didn't write, but mentioned only...
For example, the 2nd book (Mortal Sentry) has a prologue that skims through what could have been an entire novel by itself...Raina's first official paying job as a monster hunter.
After fighting a war alongside witches, vampire, police and the trolls of Washington State (end of the 2nd book) Raina finds herself bombarded with requests for help with supernatural creatures. She turns down all offers until she receives one from Black Diamond, Washington, where a necromancing witch is reanimating corpse and attacking the town's children, tearing them apart and leaving their bodies in the trees like Christmas tinsel.... I've often thought of going back and actually writing that book instead of just mentioning it as a segway into the 3rd book, which starts where that gory first job ends...but even in the beginning of the 3rd book (Grave Omen) the first chapter is an extension of the conclusion of the Black Diamond's fiasco, but then shoots 8 months into the future in the 2nd chapter!
In those 8 months that had past, Katie (her sister) had to drop out of high school because the bullying got so bad she tried to kill herself and Raina had to hunt down a warlock pedophile, who she caught in the act and killed on the spot.
That's two full novels that haven't been written, only described briefly in the novels that were written... Regrets.

I don't want to make that same mistake in the Zombie Book Series I'm writing. A while ago I posted chapter 1 of book 2, but after stewing it over I've decided not to skip over Erin's trip to Seattle. My plan for The Zombie Book 2, was to start it with Erin returning home after a long time out traveling the zombie world, but why would I not write that book?!?! Erin made her way from the Olimpic Forest all the damn way to Seattle, discovers something horrifying and decides she must return home immediately. There's a terrific adventure there. I can't leave it behind like Black Diamond and Killing You, so Chapter 1 of Book 2 is now Chapter 1 of book 3. I will post chapter 1 of book 2 as soon as I post this block. Press Here to get there.
For example, the 2nd book (Mortal Sentry) has a prologue that skims through what could have been an entire novel by itself...Raina's first official paying job as a monster hunter.
After fighting a war alongside witches, vampire, police and the trolls of Washington State (end of the 2nd book) Raina finds herself bombarded with requests for help with supernatural creatures. She turns down all offers until she receives one from Black Diamond, Washington, where a necromancing witch is reanimating corpse and attacking the town's children, tearing them apart and leaving their bodies in the trees like Christmas tinsel.... I've often thought of going back and actually writing that book instead of just mentioning it as a segway into the 3rd book, which starts where that gory first job ends...but even in the beginning of the 3rd book (Grave Omen) the first chapter is an extension of the conclusion of the Black Diamond's fiasco, but then shoots 8 months into the future in the 2nd chapter!
In those 8 months that had past, Katie (her sister) had to drop out of high school because the bullying got so bad she tried to kill herself and Raina had to hunt down a warlock pedophile, who she caught in the act and killed on the spot.
That's two full novels that haven't been written, only described briefly in the novels that were written... Regrets.

I don't want to make that same mistake in the Zombie Book Series I'm writing. A while ago I posted chapter 1 of book 2, but after stewing it over I've decided not to skip over Erin's trip to Seattle. My plan for The Zombie Book 2, was to start it with Erin returning home after a long time out traveling the zombie world, but why would I not write that book?!?! Erin made her way from the Olimpic Forest all the damn way to Seattle, discovers something horrifying and decides she must return home immediately. There's a terrific adventure there. I can't leave it behind like Black Diamond and Killing You, so Chapter 1 of Book 2 is now Chapter 1 of book 3. I will post chapter 1 of book 2 as soon as I post this block. Press Here to get there.
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