Sunday, April 15, 2018


So I love writing sex. It's fun and great and if I want my husband to be good to go, all I have to do is ask him to read this bit I just wrote because I'm just not bongo (Hehehe, I'm a sneaky gal) For a long time I've wanted to write a novel or novella in the genre of Erotica. Just the idea of a book full of those fun bits makes me smile. But...I gots problems. Poop.

I don't actually read Erotica because I find it not entirely empowering to women. Not that I would really know, but I feel it's all sappy Horny Prince Charming shit or Slap-Happy Mr. Grey abusive bull shit. 

I've thought about writing about what if Prostitution were legal in a very liberating and open minded healthy way...But there really is no way prostitution as an institution could be very healthy. There's always abuse. I'm pretty big on research and I do not recommend googling prostitution around the world and throughout history. It's just disgusting and sad.

I moved on to well, what if some fun-loving friends just decided to spouse swap and then I could have a bit of fun writing about all the awkward first-time sex between friends. It would be so weird. The comedy writes itself but...why though? Why would a group of friends do that? And what would happen if one couple was gay? Eh, sex is complicated, fun but complicated. 

Maybe in the future I'll write an erotic novel, but I think I'll just focus on zombies for now. I have a rule in my zombie books, No Sex. That's just gross... 

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