Saturday, October 18, 2014


I've been writing for more than ten years, and it took eight of those years to write the first Paranormal Washington book. Which is only $0.99, not because I think it's worth that much. I keep the price ridiculously low so people will take a chance on an unknown author. Advice on pricing is all over the place. Some say keep your prices low $0.99 - Free, to encourage readers to take a chance. Others say your prices should be $2.99 - $5.99 because really, how good can a $0.99 ebook be? A can of soda costs more.

I found a nice compromise between the two schools of thought. My first book is $0.99, so readers will take a chance on a new author. However, the other books are $2.99,so as to better reflect their value...but still keeping it low enough for people to feel it's worth it to buy a second or third book from an unknown...

But these days it takes more than just a well put together book and a fancy cover. Now you have to have an entertain presence online as well...Years ago it never occurred to me to use social media to help my writing career. I used Facebook and Pinterest for fun only,and  now I feel ever left behind. I see these authors giving away tons of stuff to bribe new followers, without having published a book yet, and when they do publish many of their followers buy the book and leave reviews. I'm rubbish at this tactic... But its put some charismatic writers on the fast track.

But what is a socially awkward girl supposed to do?  I spend my days trying to be a social butterfly. Trying to master; Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Booklikes, Goodreads just to scrape the surface, and run my own blog and website as well. Websites cost money and everything takes hours a day...and what for? Money? Ha-ha Silly, writing is no get rich quick gig. Independent writers do it for love, and nothing else.

Writing does not pay the bills. The most I've ever made in one month was $30...and at royalties of $0.30 a book, that's a lot of books. So what kind of crazy person spends her own money and hours a day working to nothing? You have to really love writing to keep it up without much positive reinforcement. My fans, (few in numbers compared to other authors), my reviews (same story there) and my love of wordsmithing alone keep me going...barely. The reviews are what really keep me pushing on.
I guess I just feel like everybody else is so much better at this than me. Every day is a struggle between work, family, writing and the beast that is online media. Oh blah, if I whine anymore I'm going to need some cheese and crackers...LOL

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