I don't write a lot of 1-3 star reviews mainly because, well. I'm an author and I don't want retribution reviews! Yikes. Nothing scarier. But I read a book a couple years back that tots earned a bad review from me because of the giant gaping plot whole it had...there were also too many errors to count throughout all her books, but as a dyslexic writer with too little pocket money for a good editor, (I rely on the kindness of the smartest beta readers) I can't and will never throw stones for mixing the odd theirs and theres and it and is in a novel...it's the horrible reality for too many starving artists. Hopefully the book outshines it's flaws.
The Hell Hound Series by Rue Volley seems smart at first glance. The story is clever but...well you can read my reviews below. I must say one thing, I love her covers! Also, you can't find these books for sell anymore. She's taken them all down. Hopefully for editing! I would love to read this story over again if it were edited. ^_^

The Good and Bad of it, August 24, 2014
Not Bad, September 23, 2014
The Hell Hound Series by Rue Volley seems smart at first glance. The story is clever but...well you can read my reviews below. I must say one thing, I love her covers! Also, you can't find these books for sell anymore. She's taken them all down. Hopefully for editing! I would love to read this story over again if it were edited. ^_^
Hellhound (Hellhound #1)

Earth's only defense against the rising tide of HELL.
Beaten down and broken, HALO BAY has spent her life at the feet of abusive men.
One fateful night she fights back, but when she awakens from her battle she finds herself at a crossroads.
She can be damned to purgatory forever, or train to become a Hellhound, a defender of humanity and demonic assassin.
With righteous intention on her side, she joins in the HOLY WAR
between Lucifer and God.
Two angelic SIBLINGS who have yet to settle the ultimate score.
Unlock your HELLHOUND today.

Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Hellhound (Hellhound Series Book 1) (Kindle Edition)
Honestly, I enjoyed all the books.
The risky sexiness of it all.
The world building.
The fast pace.
The story itself was so darn interesting and original.
Many editing issues.
Repetitive phrasing. Much hissing of words....LOL
Overusing the word 'as' and using 'as' as though it were 'and'
And lastly, a plot hole involving the mother of the main character, who during the first two books saved the main character from her abuser and ended up in heaven after dying form cancer. And in the last two books killed herself, abandoning the main character to her abuser's mercy and ended up in Hell, where she became an evil demon lady.
All in all, I enjoyed the story. Good job. ^_^
The risky sexiness of it all.
The world building.
The fast pace.
The story itself was so darn interesting and original.
Many editing issues.
Repetitive phrasing. Much hissing of words....LOL
Overusing the word 'as' and using 'as' as though it were 'and'
And lastly, a plot hole involving the mother of the main character, who during the first two books saved the main character from her abuser and ended up in heaven after dying form cancer. And in the last two books killed herself, abandoning the main character to her abuser's mercy and ended up in Hell, where she became an evil demon lady.
All in all, I enjoyed the story. Good job. ^_^
In 'Dogs of War' we rejoin Halo Bay and the Hellhounds as they adjust to an unexpected loss. Weakened and feeling as if they may be losing the battle, the Hellhounds reach out to the most unlikely of creatures...that of the vampires. At Ari's insistence, two very powerful vampires are called upon to help them. Hunter, who has a sordid past with Dorin and Vanessa, Queen of the vampires and daughter to Dracula himself. As they struggle to solidify their new alliance, Halo finds she has to barter with the only thing she truly owns. Herself. This is a deal that Lucifer is eager to seal and, blinded by love, Halo may be stepping into a plan set in motion centuries before she even existed. Will she restore the balance between Heaven and Hell? Or will be become the final seal?

Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Hellhound: Dogs of War (Book Two in the Hellhound Series) (Kindle Edition)
Same grammar issues at the first book, but not bad...however the spoiler for the 3rd book at the end boiled my blood, as it contained a HUGE plot hole that was carried on throughout the rest of the series. Very annoying. And sadly, as much as I want to know how the story ends...I simply can't bring myself to read the 4th book.
In 'Dogs of War' we rejoin Halo Bay and the Hellhounds as they adjust to an unexpected loss. Weakened and feeling as if they may be losing the battle, the Hellhounds reach out to the most unlikely of creatures...that of the vampires. At Ari's insistence, two very powerful vampires are called upon to help them. Hunter, who has a sordid past with Dorin and Vanessa, Queen of the vampires and daughter to Dracula himself. As they struggle to solidify their new alliance, Halo finds she has to barter with the only thing she truly owns. Herself. This is a deal that Lucifer is eager to seal and, blinded by love, Halo may be stepping into a plan set in motion centuries before she even existed. Will she restore the balance between Heaven and Hell? Or will be become the final seal?

Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Hellhound: Prince of Fire (Book Three in the Hellhound Series) (Kindle Edition)
I bought the first book and it was a mix of horrible and delightful. I loved the unique story and steamy scenes, but the editing killed me. The way the author used the word 'as' as though it meant 'and' drove me up the wall....exp: I made a rude comment AS he got mad at me....should be AND he got mad at me...whatever. The plot jumps around a lot. Sometimes it's written in first person. Sometimes it's written in third person. Sometimes it's past tense, sometimes it's present tense.
Okay, those sorts of blunders usually earns a 3 Star review from me....But there was more!
Besides all those errors I mentioned, I still bought the second and third book ONLY because I felt invested in the characters and I was utterly curious about where the story would go, but I cringed and screamed my way through the 3rd book because there's a plot hole so huge, so massive and glaring. 1st book, Halo's mom took Halo and left her father as soon as she found out her dad was sneaking into her bedroom at night and beating her up. Later her mom died of cancer. It was a big part of Halo's personality and quite possibly the reason she had a bit of saving grace....2nd book, God himself shows Halo her mom chilling in Heaven. I thought that was really cool....3RD book, Not only is Halo's mom NOT in heaven, Halo's mom did NOT die of cancer, Halo's mom did NOT save Halo from her abusive dad. She committed suicide, abandoning Halo with her dad, and went straight to HELL where she became a totally evil demon whore and a huge plot device for the 3rd book....Very Annoying.
Okay, those sorts of blunders usually earns a 3 Star review from me....But there was more!
Besides all those errors I mentioned, I still bought the second and third book ONLY because I felt invested in the characters and I was utterly curious about where the story would go, but I cringed and screamed my way through the 3rd book because there's a plot hole so huge, so massive and glaring. 1st book, Halo's mom took Halo and left her father as soon as she found out her dad was sneaking into her bedroom at night and beating her up. Later her mom died of cancer. It was a big part of Halo's personality and quite possibly the reason she had a bit of saving grace....2nd book, God himself shows Halo her mom chilling in Heaven. I thought that was really cool....3RD book, Not only is Halo's mom NOT in heaven, Halo's mom did NOT die of cancer, Halo's mom did NOT save Halo from her abusive dad. She committed suicide, abandoning Halo with her dad, and went straight to HELL where she became a totally evil demon whore and a huge plot device for the 3rd book....Very Annoying.
Like I said, none of these books are available anymore and the 4th book is completely gone from the internet entirely...wonder why. Back when I first wrote my not so great reviews, I was in the vast minority. All three books were swarmed with over a hundred 5 star reviews! So much so that I could only assume most were fake or bought. Rue has a great imagination, but tots needs an editor and maybe a smaller ego...international best seller? I hardly believe that.
I started writing this blog because I logged onto my Amazon account to review some books I've read recently, good books ^_^, When I noticed that my reviews for this series showed that they had been reported and blocked! How rude.
I started writing this blog because I logged onto my Amazon account to review some books I've read recently, good books ^_^, When I noticed that my reviews for this series showed that they had been reported and blocked! How rude.
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