Deadly Encounters, the fourth Raina Kirkland novel.
In a world where all the myths are true, Raina Kirkland is a monster hunter and the only known demigod to exist in a millennia. She wasn’t born that way, she was altered by the gods as an infant.
Five years have passed since Raina was brutally murdered, and the world has changed in ways it is not yet aware of. Events have been set in motion that no living mortal can stop, as an evil god begins to unleash a deadly plague in the hopes of wiping out all of humanity!
In secret, Nicholas stitches together his sister’s remains. He toils in the darkness of an old café, praying to the Goddess for a miracle, for that is exactly what it will take to save the world!
In the end, Raina must fulfill her destiny, and become the undead goddess she was made to be. She cannot escape what she is. As the dead pile up and the heartache becomes a crushing weight, Raina’s greatest enemy will be the only one she can turn to for help.
"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.”
~ Jean de La Fontaine
Warning: This book contains sex and violence. Suitable for mature readers only.

Deadly Encounters is an extremely well-written book by Diana Graves. This book is as unique and different as it gets. I admit, there is a lot thrown into one book, and some may think it may be over the top, but I actually enjoyed it, a lot. there are lots of twists that are well developed in this story and are nicely resolved. This book had me glued to the pages and it was difficult to put it down. It really had everything one can ask for. Lots and lots of paranormal, from witches to vampires, mythology, and gods, you name it it's there. Romance, action and one strong heroine! There are also some nice surprises and some whoa factors!
Speaking of which, Raina is one strong heroine and you can't ask for more. I am not sure how she can be so level headed going through what she does. And this is by just reading this book. I had no idea this was actually a series. There are a lot of other characters I enjoyed that add nicely to the mix like Nick and Alistair, but not much a fan of Damon to be honest.
So all that being said, I LOVED this book, however, I wished I would have known this was a series before I read it. If I would have known I would have started at book 1 and gotten to fully enjoy the entire series from book 1. I will probably go back at some point to read book 1 through 3, but right now having read 4 it is a bit tough having kind of read the ultimate spoiler. I will, however, go ahead and read 5 right away because I am dying to see how this will all end.
I can only recommend this book and most likely the series. The author is well versed and knows her craft! She knows how to write and knows what to write about. She is fresh and unique which is a HUGE plus! So do yourself a favor and start with the first one. I am sure you won't regret it.
Voluntary review of Advance Reader Copy. I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher.
Speaking of which, Raina is one strong heroine and you can't ask for more. I am not sure how she can be so level headed going through what she does. And this is by just reading this book. I had no idea this was actually a series. There are a lot of other characters I enjoyed that add nicely to the mix like Nick and Alistair, but not much a fan of Damon to be honest.
So all that being said, I LOVED this book, however, I wished I would have known this was a series before I read it. If I would have known I would have started at book 1 and gotten to fully enjoy the entire series from book 1. I will probably go back at some point to read book 1 through 3, but right now having read 4 it is a bit tough having kind of read the ultimate spoiler. I will, however, go ahead and read 5 right away because I am dying to see how this will all end.
I can only recommend this book and most likely the series. The author is well versed and knows her craft! She knows how to write and knows what to write about. She is fresh and unique which is a HUGE plus! So do yourself a favor and start with the first one. I am sure you won't regret it.
Voluntary review of Advance Reader Copy. I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher.

Another fine installment from Diana Graves taking us further into the depths of the Raina Kirkland story. Raina's life takes her deeper into the complexities of her developing skills, and into interests that she is keen to explore. She also matures on a personal level where the adage rings true, and you really are the last one to know. These directions broaden the scope of her life and drive home some hard lessons.
There are a couple of good surprises that I didn't see coming which is always necessary to keep a good series holding on tight to the reader's interest. I can think of a few series I have ditched as they dive headfirst into the quagmire of mind-numbing boredom.
this 4th novel propels the reader towards a couple of new facets in Raina's life that keeps us guessing where we travel to next.
There are a couple of good surprises that I didn't see coming which is always necessary to keep a good series holding on tight to the reader's interest. I can think of a few series I have ditched as they dive headfirst into the quagmire of mind-numbing boredom.
this 4th novel propels the reader towards a couple of new facets in Raina's life that keeps us guessing where we travel to next.

I want to say if you aren't reading the series, why not? You need to enjoy these books because I don't want to give anything away but it's the go-to for travel. Seriously, my Kindle clicks on these books when I'm traveling. Great way to escape the boredom of a long flight.

Loved Deadly Encounters! The Raina Kirkland series has everything you could want in a Paranormal book. There is romance, mystery, action, and a storyline that kept me glued until the end. Now I'm eagerly awaiting the next book to see where Raina's story goes. A great thrill ride!

Strongly recommend this whole series. It is a must read for those that love reading paranormal.
So far all feedback for Deadly has been great! Well, except for one fellow. He said the book was far too dark. I don't think so and he didn't write a review, so we're good. ^_^
Here's Chapter One:
“HELLO?” I CALLED out as loud as I could, which wasn’t all that loud. In fact, it was a downright whisper. I gave myself a mental slap. Let’s try that again, and this time with more earnest efforts. “Hello?” I called out. For goddess’ sake, how many times did a girl have to die to get some attention around here?
I heard footsteps coming closer, but I couldn’t turn my head to see who it was. I was lying in the dark, hurt, unable to move, hardly able to speak at all. I didn’t like being so vulnerable so you could imagine the wash of relief I felt when an old friend peered down at me. Kamaria’s hair was white with age and up in curlers. Her floral summer dress was soaked with sweat and blood; my blood, her sweat. She looked older than last I saw her; a few more wrinkles, thinner skin, nothing more.
“Raina, you’re safe. You’re in my dining room in the back of the cafe. How do you feel?” she asked.
How did I feel? My entire body was in stitches. Every inch of it was sewn in place, bloated and stinking of rot.
“I hurt,” I mumbled between swollen, stitched lips. I could taste the bitter-sweetness of my wounds. Running my tongue over the roof of my mouth, I could feel the stitches holding me together. Bits of flesh hung here and there. I tried not to think too hard about it. I knew if I let myself dwell on it that I’d break down. I didn’t want to break down. I wanted to know what the hell was going on!
“You’re healing. I can see it,” she said. Her words were kind but her eyes looked anxious. I could only imagine what my face must have looked like; puffy, half rotten, stretched and sewn. Goddess!
My muscles felt stiff, the ones I could feel anyway. They felt rigid. “Where did my brother go?” I asked quietly because my vocal cords and lungs were still healing. I needed to see Nicholas. He had to have some answers. He brought me to the café. He put me back together again, like Humpty-fucking-Dumpty. It was his face I first woke to, his smell, his words. I swallowed. Damn, it hurt! “I’m thirsty. Where’d Nick go?”
“Nil is bringing you some food,” she said.
“Why did he bring me here?”
“He needed a safe place to—,” She let out a heavy sigh, “Goddess, I didn’t think it would work, just sewing you up like he did, but by the gods, Raina, you’re back!”
“Ta-da,” I said. Even in my revolting, delicate state, I couldn’t keep my sarcasm to my damn self.
“Yes,” Kamaria said thoughtfully. “Very impressive, dearie.”
I was healing as fast as any vampire, but still. In many places, only thin thread was keeping me together. I felt like Frankenstein’s monster. When I tried to sit up the thread ripped through my flesh and I cried out. “Damn!”
Kamaria helped me lay back down carefully. “Take it easy.”
“Shit,” I breathed past the pain. “Is my daughter okay? Where is Isobel?”
“She’s fine,” she said. “Both of your children are just fine.”
I nodded, taking in shallow breaths. “I want to see them,” I said.
I heard a heavy door open and a few moments later Nick came up and looked down at me. His wild red hair and big, almost black eyes stood out dramatically against his vampire gray skin. Hurriedly, he took off his heavy coat to reveal a red shirt that clung to his skinny frame.
“Raina,” he said with awe in his voice.
“Hi, Nicholas.”
He stared at me for a moment before shaking his head. “I didn’t know what you’d want to eat,” Nick said. “As a vampire, I was sure you’d want blood, but then again you’re a demigod also, so you may crave ambrosia.”
“The food of the gods?” I asked.
He set down a velvet bag and pulled out two large jars. The first had dark red blood filled to the rim, while the other was filled with a glossy, pink substance. “Yes, but we don’t know which nourishment your body needs. Whatever part of you that was human is dead. So, do you now have the internal workings of a vampire or a god?”
I was giving the jar of pink shit some seriously apprehensive looks. I wasn’t too keen toward anything god-like in that moment. I certainly didn’t need another reminder of the bit of god I had inside me.
Nick sighed and looked at Kamaria before looking back down at me. “You don’t feel much like eating, do you? I don’t blame you.”
“How did I get here? I mean, how did you get my body?” I asked.
“I took it from the men who killed you,” he said. “After I killed them.”
“Why are we here, at Kamaria’s Café?”
Nick looked at the older woman warmly. “Kamaria is the only person in my life who never let me down. When Mom and Dad shunned me, she took me in, she saw to my wellbeing.”
“Your family attracts drama like flies to shit,” Kamaria said and Nick smirked because it was true, too damn true.
“Maybe we’re cursed,” Nick shrugged. He was joking, though his words made me think for a moment, but damn if I knew who my parents or grandparents could have pissed off so badly.
“How was death for you?” Nick asked.
“I went to Hell.”
He gasped. “No! You’re the best person I know.”
I didn’t know what to say to that. As a bounty hunter, I killed people for a living, bad people, but people all the same.
“Hell wasn’t such a bad place. It was wonderful actually. It was very green. Even the sky was a deep aqua green,” I said remembering the lush beauty in perfect detail, the sounds of the forest and the feel of the dewy grass on my naked body. I also met the goddess who made me a demigod while there, Melpomene. She spoke to me, but damn if I could remember what she said. I just remembered the look of her, a pale giant with dark hair and red eyes.
Kamaria put up her hand. “You may not feel like eating, dearie, but you must heal, and for that you need food. Try the ambrosia first.” She unscrewed the jar of odd-looking pink goop.
“Ambrosia grows wild on the foothills of Mount Olympus in Greece. It’s the only place in the world that it does grow,” Nick explained. “And only one company harvests it for the gods, and they don’t sell it to mere mortals. It was not easy getting my hands on this much of it. You don’t want to know what I had to do to get it,” he said with a distant look in his eyes.
Kamaria handed Nick a spoon and soon a bit of pink stuff was held before my mouth on a metal utensil. I sniffed it and frowned. It smelt like a horrid mix of lemongrass, strawberries, and roses. The very smell of it repulsed me. “There is no way I’m putting that stuff in my mouth.” Nick grimaced and moved to force feed me. “Do you want me to puke on you?”
Kamaria pursed her lips. “Nil.”
Nick groaned and set the spoon in the jar of Ambrosia. “Let’s try the blood then. I bought it from the grocery store a few blocks away,” he said as he unscrewed the top of the jar, but before he could even take the lid off I’d somehow found strength enough to grab it from his hands with vampire fast reflexes that tore at my stitches. I didn’t care. I could smell the sweet metallic scent of the blood and I was overtaken with an awesome hunger. I wanted, needed to drink it down, all of it! With the heavy jar to my lips I took in the blood as fast as I could; gulp after heavenly gulp until I was left sticking my fingers in the jar and licking them clean to get every last drop.
“Well, vampire organs it is,” said Nick.
“It’s almost daylight,” said Kamaria.
“Raina’s not ready to be moved just yet. Is it okay to have her here for another day?” Nick asked.
“Child,” Kamaria said. “Of course it is. Now, I better get cleaned up and get my store open. You two need to get to sleep.” And with that said, she left us.
“We should go to sleep,” said Nick, but I grabbed his arm before he could leave me.
“How long have I been dead?” I asked him.
He didn’t answer me. Instead, he looked to a window, thickly covered by black drapes to keep the sun out. “We should get to sleep.”
I shook my head. “How long have I been dead, Nick?”
He sighed. “I was going to put you back together right after you died, but as the days went by I just—wanted you to rest in peace. Plus, I didn’t trust that it would work, sewing you up like that. There isn’t much written on the subject of resurrecting demigods. From what I could gather, as long as there’s a body the soul will come back. It’s as if the body acts like some kind of beacon. All I had to do was study your anatomy. It was like putting together a two-thousand and seventy-five piece 3D puzzle made of frozen flesh.”
“I had to put you in the freezer to keep you fresh. But the longer you stayed gone the more I thought you were better off dead. The world’s a shit hole.” He looked to the clock on the wall. “I worked on you for ten straight hours. Toward the end, you started to ripen a bit.”
Ewe. I cringed. “How long? How long was I dead, Nick?”
“Days, weeks?” He looked to the floor with a long face. “Shit, five months!”
“Years,” he said softly.
I was stunned into silence for a moment. Five fucking years. It didn’t feel like five years. It barely felt like five minutes. What, what about my kids!? What about Damon, the man I love, the father of my children. I’ve been dead for five years!?! No doubt, I had a funeral and everything. My eyes were wide with distress. My heart thudded in my chest. I grabbed at Nick’s shirt so he couldn’t leave before he answered me. “What’s happened to my family, Nick?”
He grabbed my hands and gently loosened my grip on his shirt. “I don’t know. Kamaria said Damon came into the café the other day for coffee and he seemed fine.”
“Fine?” That bothered me for some reason. “Damon was here, at the café while my body was frozen in Kamaria’s freezer and he was fine?”
“Well, it’s not like he knew you were in the freezer. He just thought you were…”
“Dead,” I finished the sentence for him. Thinking too hard about my family, I absentmindedly let Nick walk away from me. Isobel was only a few days old when I was killed. Now she’s five. And poor Thomas. He’d lost his entire family before Damon and I took him in as our adopted son. He’d be thirteen now.
“Raina, get some sleep,” Nick said from someplace unseen.
“I can’t rest without seeing them. I want to see them, Nick. They need to know that I’m alive.”
He didn’t respond for a time and I began to think that perhaps he left the room or fell asleep, but eventually, he said, “We need to know who we can trust before we let the world know that you’re back. Raphael betrayed you. He gained your trust, he got close. He got into your head and then he had you killed. We can’t be sure he was working alone. Are there others, other people who you’re close to that were plotting against you?”
It hadn’t occurred to me that anyone else could have secretly wanted me dead, but I couldn’t even begin to make a list of likely suspects. I could make a list of people I knew for certain would never betray me, and Damon was at the top of that list.
“Get some rest, Raina. We’ll talk when the sun goes down,” Nick said.
I wanted to argue with him. I wanted to scream my frustrated emotions, but I didn’t. I left it at that. He couldn’t possibly understand how important seeing my kids was to me. He wasn’t, nor would he ever be a father.
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